TV’s Greatest Kickass Female Characters (Part One)

Last month was Women’s History Month, and that got us thinking about all our favourite TV shows that have a strong female as their lead character.

Recently, there have been new TV shows such as How To Get Away With Murder and Agent Carter airing on our screens, and they’ve started to introduce us to a whole new host of empowering female characters.

Here at Cheap TVs, we love nothing more than a show that supports female empowerment – which is why we have decided to take a look at ten of the best-written, most kickass and formidable women on TV past and present. We have picked our first three women in the first part of this series.

1. Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)


Be honest with yourself, you knew this one was coming. No list about kickass female characters should be allowed to exist without Buffy Summers at the top. In fact, we could probably write a whole essay on her alone!

Back in 1996, Buffy was already setting the bar for the future generation of TV women. She demonstrated on a weekly basis that you can go out and kick vampire ass and still look good whilst doing it.

We think the best thing about Buffy was that she was relatable. Yeah, she was off killing vampires (or kissing them depending on the day!), but she was also going through regular teenage stuff like attending a new school, making new friends and growing up. Supernatural problems were generously weaved with teenage issues, which made her someone a lot of people could relate to.

2. Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)


After Buffy came another small female blonde. The difference here is that Veronica doesn’t fight demons, or kill vampires, or save the world – she is just a teenager with a camera and a pocket full of quips.

Veronica Mars is both a high school student and a private investigator (it is so much better than it sounds). She is just a regular teenager until her best friend is murdered, and her dad (the sheriff) wrongly accuses her friend’s father. Now a social outcast, she spends her time solving mysteries whilst striving to solve the ultimate case – who killed her friend.

Her strength lies in her intelligence, which has her two steps in front of her enemies at all times. She’s funny, badass and takes no prisoners when it comes to the people she loves. She doesn’t act for respect, she demands it!

What a woman!

3. Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)


She is The Mother of Dragons.

Oh, that wasn’t a good enough reason on its own? We will expand then.

Daenerys is both courageous and ruthless, and doesn’t back down when she wants something. She is a woman living in a world that is run by men, a world where she is denied her humanity and abused physically and verbally.

She uses this pain and life experience to carve herself into a badass leader and queen of the warriors. It has been extraordinary to see her transform from vulnerable girl to a formidable woman.

There is no denying that she more than deserves a spot on the list of the most badass women on TV.


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