It’s Alive! OLED: What it is and How it Works

As a provider of high quality cheap televisions, we’re always looking for updates from the television world and our newest favourite find is OLED televisions. ‘I’ve heard of LED TVs, but not OLED’ we can hear you saying, so what is OLED? –

Well, OLED is an abbreviation used when we add the word ‘organic’ to the well known model of televisions, the LED. Now, organic is a word normally associated with things such as vegetables and animals because organic suggests something living; no, this isn’t a living television (which could either be the greatest or worst idea), instead what we have is an LED system that provides a broad illumination area with extraordinary colour rendering.

How it works

While it may seem that the word organic is added as a marketing ploy in order for manufacturers to seem more green friendly, in actual fact the reason is because the light emitting substance in the LED is an organic semi-conductor. Attaching a cathode to the back and an anode to the front, an electric current then excites the electrons in the semi-conductor into higher energy states. Then, when the electrons return to their ground state, the excess energy is converted into light. The light is projected through the anode and a plastic (or glass) substrate, creating a surface light source that is not only distinguishably thin but also highly efficient and low on heat. (That one goes out to all you physicists out there!)

Who’s using them?

While you yourself can purchase an OLED TV right now (although the price shouldn’t surprise anyone), companies are also using them as a new way to interact with their consumers. Samsung for instance, un-veiled their own OLED display panels as a way to enhance the experience of shoppers or as they put it, “make the consumer purchasing experience more visually engaging.” Simply put, you can check to see if an outfit will suit you or not without having to physically try it on. There’s also talk of implementing this kind of technology in the home, something to replace the mirror perhaps; at least then you can get insulted by technology privately.

What’s the catch?

You’re probably thinking to yourself after hearing about these absolutely stunning pieces of tech that there must be a catch. Well there is, and it’s not just the price. All OLED products have shown a larger sensitivity to water than its older LED brothers, and the surface is highly reflective meaning that watching something locked away in a dark room is going to be a lot easier than trying to watch it in a well-lit room. But what product doesn’t come with its drawbacks, we ask you?

We’re not sure about you but the OLED is getting us pretty excited to see what’s next on the development line. Who knows, soon we might actually be able to buy that living television we were talking about, but with the addition of the robotic mirror, you probably don’t want your whole life being judged by technology.


Here at Cheap TVs, we don’t judge you for what you watch, we just want to provide you with high quality televisions at a great price! For more information on our products and services, contact us on 0121 327 3273 and speak to one of our friendly team members today!




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