Does Internet Speeds Affect Your Smart TV?

The biggest worry most people have when considering a new Smart TV, is whether they have the correct internet speeds to handle the device. Alternatively, they worry about adding yet another device to their household that uses the internet, which could potentially reduce their internet speeds. We explore internet speeds, how they work and if you can afford to install a smart TV in your home.

Internet Speeds Explained

Your internet speed is not necessarily how fast your internet is. In fact, it is an unmeasurable construct, and the “speed” you are given is the bandwidth you can receive data over. This means how much capability you can upload and download data. The best way to explain bandwidth is to think of a motorway. Data (cars) all travel at the same speed, so you will need a wider bandwidth (more lanes on a motorway) to get more data for increased data speeds.

Commonly your upload and download speeds have a significant difference. This is because the content is commonly consumed (downloaded) instead of uploaded. For this reason, the bandwidth is usually greater for downloading to provide quick access to the required data.

How to Check Your Bandwidth capabilities?

It is relatively easy to assess your bandwidth capabilities, and many contributions can factor into the speed of your internet bandwidth. To find out yours, Google Search Engine offers a free and easy internet speed checker.

Connection type – How your device is connected to the internet will offer a significant difference in how fast it can receive data. Wireless connections are more susceptible to interference and lost signals, whereas there is no disruption to the bandwidth when it is fed directly into a device.

Congestion – Referring to the motorway analogy, the more cars trying to travel, the more congested the motorway becomes. This applies to bandwidth. The more homes using the same line connection, the slower the bandwidth.

Old lines and equipment – Of course, like with most things, the older the equipment, the less capable it is of dealing with new technology. For example, the demand for internet connections 20 years ago was much less than it is now. So if you have an old line connection, it may slow the capabilities of your download and upload speeds.

Distance – If you’re struggling to receive a signal, your internet speeds will suffer, i.e. the further from your hub (ISP) you are, the more interference and the weaker the connection will be.

How Much Bandwidth Does a Smart TV Need to Work Efficiently?

Each smart TV is unique, and it will all depend on the needs you expect from your TV. Again, we need to refer back to the previous motorway analogy when discussing the requirements. Content is provided at various data rates. For example, the clearer the picture with the likes of 4K, the more data is needed to deliver crystal-clear detail. For this, you will require more bandwidth speed. Although that may worry you when looking for a new cheap LED TV with internet capabilities, it shouldn’t.

Most internet providers allow more than the basic bandwidth required for a smart TV. For example, the likes of Netflix’s content requires 5 megabits per second, covering all their packages, from standard definition to HD content. The average UK download speed across the nation is 50 megabits per second. So, there’s no need to worry about watching content in high definition from online streaming platforms, especially when many providers boast of providing faster broadband than the UK average. Of course, you can always pay for more bandwidth if you have multiple TVs all on at once, for example, within a shared accommodation or a busy household.

Should I Hardwire My TV?

Of course, the best way to ensure consistency with your bandwidth is by providing a direct connection to your router via an ethernet cable. These can be bought online for as little as £3.80 up to £10.99. As mentioned above, these offer faster download capabilities and can provide even cheap TVs with the ability to offer the best high-definition content more quickly. If you can connect your smart TV to your router without spoiling the aesthetics of your room, you will notice a much quicker device.

However, if this isn’t possible for your home, then there’s no need to worry. Standard wifi connections can provide enough bandwidth that will not compromise the functions of your TV.

How Can I Improve My Smart TV Internet Speeds?

As mentioned above, many ways can interfere with your internet “speeds”. Although we have discussed the idea of wiring the device directly to your router, it may not always be an option. Here are some of the ways you can attempt to improve your internet speeds to ensure excellent quality TV content from a smart TV with a faster interface.

Move your TV closer – If possible, you should shorten the distance between your router and your smart TV. This will provide an easier path for the signal from your hub to the receiver in your TV.

Reboot the router – It’s very cliche, but it is a cliche for a reason. Try switching it on and off. Allowing your router to reboot can eliminate any bugs or issues it may be experiencing. For instance, if you have a car broken down in the inside lane, it won’t be able to clear if the other lanes of traffic are still moving. By stopping traffic flow, you allow the broken data to remove itself from the lines of traffic. Doing this regularly can improve the efficiency of your router. Check with your provider – Some internet providers will put data caps on your contract. Although most providers will charge you extra when you go past this limit, others will decrease your internet speeds until the end of the month. So if you keep running out of data throughout the month, consider upgrading your contract.

Upgrade your TV – Many smart TVs offer a variety of promised speeds, but if you have had your smart TV for a while, it may not be capable of receiving data as a modern device is. In the early days of internet TVs, their capabilities were much more fundamental. Upgrading can offer a faster device. If you need help finding your next smart TV, why not pop into our showroom in Birmingham? We have various TV brands available with prices for all budgets. Take a look online, or pop in and find your next cheap Smart TV.

Our personal shoppers will be happy to use their vast knowledge and experience to provide you with advice on buying the best television for your exact needs and budget. Additionally, if you would like any more information about the cheap TV deals we offer, including our impressive smart HD TV deals, please don't hesitate to get in contact with our friendly team today.