A New Hope: Star Wars Episode VII Release Date Brought Forward

Calling all Star Wars fans! It’s time for you to get excited all over again, because we here at Cheaptvs have some great news for you! Today, it has been announced that the UK release of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens has been brought forward. As it stands, you’ll now be able to go see your favourite franchise back on the screens a day earlier than previously announced, which means the 17th rather than the original 18th of December date. 

The news came from a tweet and a Facebook post made by the official UK star wars page.

You know what that means? In exactly 100 days from today, Star Wars will be back on our screens and back in our hearts.

The news follows Force Friday, which saw the global release of the new star wars toys.

It seems with each little tease of the film, we get a little more excited and we know by the time the film actually hits cinemas, the country will explode in a huge ball of excitement and hype.

For those of you who don’t know, The Force Awakens is set 25 years after the last film (not the last released, but the last one in the universe’s timeline), Return of the Jedi and will see the return of some of our favourite characters such as: Luke Skywalker, C3-PO, R2-D2, and of course our favourite pair of smugglers, Han Solo and Chewbacca. However it will primarily focus on a cast of new characters.

Not much is known story wise of the film, but what we do know is that it’ll involve new characters in search of Luke Skywalker, as they try to avoid capture from the First Order- a tyrannical group formed from the remnants of The Empire.

We’re eager to learn more about this First Order, but one thing we do know is that it’s Darth Vader esque leader is not a Sith, which is a first for the Star Wars films as both trilogies that have come before have had Sith villains. Possibly the most interesting thing about episode VII’s villain is his lightsaber, which is a cross guard lightsaber and is unlike any we’ve ever seen before.

If you think we’re lucky getting it a day earlier, France gets the film on the 16th!

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