How 5G Will Change the Television

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We’re not that far off a comprehensive 5G rollout across the UK, so we’re taking a look at what this actually means. We’ll first talk about what 5G is and then will discuss how it will change the TV, from quick streaming to supporting both virtual and augmented reality.

What Is 5G?

5G is the new internet; it is the evolution of mobile data – predated by 3G and 4G. This 5G internet has been rolled out by major UK mobile networks already and is taking effect across the nation, experienced by those who are using 5G compatible devices with suitable plans.

Like every new form of data, it has been carefully measured to ensure that it is safe. In fact, mobile internet works similarly to radio waves, and the Public Health England have confirmed that ‘there should be no consequences for public health’ as a result of its rollout.

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How Will 5G Be Used

The average consumer will experience 5G via a smartphone at some point in the future, but 5G has the potential for so much more than just mobile data; it could be used to elevate our use of televisions, voice assistants, and even factory machinery.

On the grander scales, 5G will mean reducing lag in manufacturing and improving the ability for thousands of devices to work at peak capacity in small areas. 5G allows better response times, meaning that when you input a command to a machine, it should receive that command quicker than ever before and be able to complete it quicker, too.

The future includes self-driving cars and it is thought that these may use 5G to achieve faster responses. Before we use fully automated cars, it is likely that there will be a half-way point where automatic safety features are implemented to protect drivers. For example, the ability for cars to communicate their distances with each other could be useful for ensuring that safe distances are maintained.


How 5G Will Change TV

5G will change the way we game, too. When it comes to wireless technology, 5G will be reducing lag and improving the reaction times for more complicated demands. This could be great news for VR users – most VR consoles rely on being wired to a PC for most games, but the introductions of 5G could mean that those power-intensive games will be able to be streamed over the internet in stunning quality, straight to your headset.

This will undoubtedly help to make the VR parties of your dreams come true. We can picture it now – watching your friend spin around in your living room with a wireless headset, whilst you and your friends laugh at the game that they are playing, displayed on a beautiful cheap smart TV.

A step down from VR, 5G may also improve console gaming. It has long been thought that wired controllers are always better when you’re playing competitively because the reaction times are unmatched. With 5G, however, this may no longer be the case.

5G may also change how we use our televisions. Currently, voice assistants are objects separate from your television, but in the future it may be that their functions are combined and every smart television contains a voice assistant from which you can control your home’s smart features. This means that the cheap TVs of the future could be the hub of the entire home – not just the centre for your entertainment.

5g change tv

Hot Spots

This feature will be used less, but it is still possible that in those rare circumstances where your television isn’t connected to either wi-fi or ethernet, you might want to use a mobile hotspot to stream the latest episodes and films onto your big screen.

Currently, 4G does a great job of managing this, but 5G should be able to do it even better. We’re certainly excited to see how 5G might be able to support 8K streams, especially since affordable 8K screens have started to enter the market.

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If you are considering using hotspots on a television on holiday – or perhaps during that interim period when you’re moving and waiting for the internet to get set-up – then you might be interested in getting an unlimited mobile plan for that time to ensure that you don’t have to worry about paying a fortune in data charges.

For cutting edge televisions at bargain prices, check out our online store of cheap LED TVs. We have sets from a range of brands in a variety of sizes.

Our personal shoppers will be happy to use their vast knowledge and experience to provide you with advice on buying the best television for your exact needs and budget. Additionally, if you would like any more information about the cheap TV deals we offer, including our impressive smart HD TV deals, please don't hesitate to get in contact with our friendly team today.